
Policies & Forms

The School’s policies are listed below. Policies are regularly reviewed by the School’s Board of Trustees.

Accessibility and Disability Policy | PDF 250KB

Admissions Policy 2024 | PDF 277KB

Admissions Policy 2023 | PDF 273KB

Anti Bullying Policy | PDF 332KB

Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy | PDF 208KB

Appraisal (Support Staff) | PDF 182KB

Assessment and Marking Policy | PDF 256KB

Attendance Policy | PDF 276KB

Barring Disruptive Parents | PDF 120KB

Behaviour Policy | PDF 265KB

Bereavement policy | PDF 189KB

Bursary Policy | PDF 88KB

Capability Policy | PDF 211KB

Careers Education & Guidance Policy & Appendix | PDF 255KB

CCTV Policy | PDF 164KB

Charging and Remissions Policy | PDF 214KB

Complaints Procedure | PDF 328KB

Confidentiality Policy | PDF 171KB

Continuing Professional Development | PDF 143KB

Cover Policy | PDF 140KB

COVID Safeguarding Policy | PDF230KB

Curriculum Policy | PDF 220KB

Data Protection Policy | 252KB

Disciplinary and Appeals Policy | PDF188KB

Early Career Teachers Policy | PDF 223KB

Educational Visits and Trips Policy | PDF 272KB

English-as-additional-language Policy | PDF 229KB  

Equality Duty Statement | PDF 126KB

Equality Objectives | PDF 153KB

Equal Opportunities Policy | PDF 256KB

Exams Conflicts of Interest Policy | PDF 149KB

Exams Contingency Plan | PDF 442KB

Exams Emergency Evacuation Policy | PDF 237KB

Exams Equalities Policy | PDF 255 KB

Exams Internal Appeals Procedures | PDF 276KB

Exams Malpractice Policy | PDF 172KB

Exams Policy | PDF 641KB

Exams Special Consideration Policy | PDF 204KB

Exams Non-examination Assessment Policy | PDF 478KB

Exams Word Processor Policy | PDF 213KB

Exams Whistleblowing Policy | PDF 170KB

First Aid Policy | 213KB

Fixed Assets Policy | PDF 165KB

Freedom of Information Policy | PDF 219KB

Governor Expenses Scheme | PDF 131 KB

Grievance Policy | PDF 162KB

Health & Safety Policy | PDF 512KB

Homework Policy | PDF 215KB

Hospitality Policy | PDF 186KB

ICT Acceptable Use Policy for Adults | PDF 227KB

ICT Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils | PDF 208KB

Initial Teacher Training Policy | PDF 178KB

Lettings Policy | PDF 382KB

LGPS Policy | PDF 244KB 

Library Books Overdue and Lost Policy | PDF 86KB

Management of Substance Misuse | PDF 189KB

Mobile Phones Acceptable Use Policy | PDF 97KB

More Able Policy | PDF 127KB     

Pay Policy | PDF 329KB

Physical and Environmental Security | PDF 118KB

Privacy Notice Crypt Governors and Volunteers | PDF 190KB

Privacy Notice Crypt Pupils and Parents | PDF 234KB

Privacy Notice Crypt Staff | PDF 207KB

Promoting British Values | PDF 264KB 

Protection of Biometric Information Policy | PDF 232KB

Provider Access Policy | PDF 129KB

Pupil Restraint Policy | PDF 195KB

Recruitment, Selection and Disclosure Policy and Procedure | PDF 242KB

Redundancy Policy | PDF 141KB

Relationships and Sex Education Policy | PDF 216KB  

Safeguarding Policy | PDF 517KB

School Governors and Volunteers Privacy Notice | PDF 187KB

School Rules and Home-School Agreement | PDF 296KB

Secure Disposal of IT Equipment and Information | PDF 154KB 

SEN Policy | PDF 240KB

Shared Parental Leave Policy & Parental Bereavement Leave & Pay Policy | PDF 134KB

Sickness Absence Policy | PDF 194KB

Social Media Policy | PDF 180KB  

Staff Code of Conduct | PDF 81KB

Staff Welfare Policy | PDF 154KB

Statement of procedure for dealing with allegations of abuse against teacher | PDF 195KB

Subject Access Request Form | PDF 129KB

Supporting students with Medical Conditions | PDF 211KB

Teacher Performance Development | PDF 242KB

Whistleblowing Policy | PDF 183KB

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