
RS,Philosophy & Ethics

Religious belief and practice is interwoven into the fabric of our culture and history, and this subject seeks to ensure that students are ready to live and thrive in a diverse and increasingly connected world.  We present the perspectives of varied worldviews on major moral and philosophical issues, allowing students to develop a sympathetic understanding of each, as well as critically informed personal opinions.

Students are encouraged to foster their skills of evaluation and analysis through critical engagement with texts, media, and other sources. They are encouraged to extend their reading beyond the constraints of the classroom in order to develop their horizons and perspectives. The subject also contributes to student progression in their oral and written literacy skills.

The teachers are subject specialists, and the department is well resourced through subscriptions to journals and with its own mini library. Classrooms are well maintained with inspiring displays and examples of high quality work. Extra-curricular opportunities offered include lecture days, visits to places of worship, speakers, and trips abroad have previously visited Krakow and Rome.

The School is required to provide Religious Education for all students as part of a broad and balanced curriculum, and our programme of study takes an inclusive approach, presenting different perspectives. Parents/carers have a right to withdraw their child from Religious Education in school and make alternative provision. Parents wishing to exercise this right should contact the Headmaster.

RS Programme of Study

Exam Boards

Y9 (compulsory) - AQA short course Religious Studies (Christianity and Islam)
Y11 (optional) - Eduqas full course Religious Studies, route A (Christianity and Islam)
A Level - AQA Philosophy

Teaching Staff

M Young
M Pinless

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