
Crypt Primary Collaboration

We aim to unlock potential by educating and empowering for social mobility


We offer free tutoring to local Year 4 and Year 5 children receiving Free School Meals, Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium +.  The program runs every Thursday afternoon at The Crypt School.  The aim of our Shaping Futures Programme is to further equal opportunities in our local community, regardless of social and economic backgrounds. We are eager to collaborate with local primary schools and parents to nurture the aspirations of able students so that they reach their future potential; be that
within The Crypt School or elsewhere.

At The Crypt School we develop scholarship amongst our sixth formers by ensuring they contribute to the community whilst utilising their academic skills in local primary schools.
Register your interest here 


Shaping Futures 2023-24 Programme

● September 2023 - Primary School pupil nominations
● October 2023 - Parental/Guardian consent and registration
● November 16 th 2023 - Launch Evening for participating students and their families. Mentors
will be present to introduce themselves and get to know students before being assigned a
one-to-one mentor
● November to December 2023 – “Getting to know you” activity sessions begin, where
primary students participate in fun “icebreaker” activities with their new mentors and
engage with interactive sessions on effective learner qualities and growth mindset
● January to May 2024 – Regular face-to-face core Maths and English intervention, extra-
curricular activities, life skills development and on-demand 11+ familiarisation resources
provided by Skyward Kids
● May 2024 - Entrance Test Registration & Admissions Information Evening
● August 2024 – Summer Familiarisation Activity Days at The Crypt School.
● September 2024 


For more information contact Ms De La Fuente [email protected]

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