

At The Crypt we believe that an excellent school is an inclusive school. We want our students to be safe, achieve, be tolerant, enjoy life and grow up to be successful adults who will make a positive contribution to the society in which they live. We have high aspirations for all pupils and our commitment to equal opportunities is an important part of our assurance to be a fully inclusive co-educational school. 

Our school values respect and we welcome all learners whilst treating them as individuals. Where children in our community have additional needs, steps will be taken to prevent these from becoming a barrier to learning. By this positive action, we believe all our children, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, special needs, attainment and background, will receive an equal opportunity to make progress and fulfil their potential.

Equal Opportunities Policy can be found on the Policies page

Special Educational Needs Department

Crypt School has a small but effective SEND department that can provide support to high-achieving pupils with SEND to enable them to develop and reach their full academic potential. Although entry to the school is strictly through the entrance examination, we welcome initial enquiries from parents whose sons/daughters have identified SEND requirements and how these might be met. Contact with the SENCO can be made by email or by telephone to the School’s Main Office.

Special Educational Needs Offer | PDF 227KB

Telephone: 01452 530291
E-mail: [email protected]
SENCO: Natasha Prout
SEN Policy: can be found on the policies page

Gloucester Families Directory

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium was introduced in 2012 and it is used to describe dedicated funding for disadvantaged students. Pupil Premium funding has been allocated to schools so that they can address the achievement gap between students who are eligible for Pupil Premium and their peers. At The Crypt, this gap is significantly smaller than at other schools and overall, our Pupil Premium students make excellent progress. However, as a school we must invest in this group of students to give them every opportunity we can to enable them to flourish in every aspect of school life.

Students qualify as being eligible for Pupil Premium at The Crypt if they are in Years 7 to 11 and satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

• They have received Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years;
• They are in the care of the Local Authority;
• They are a child adopted from the care of the Local Authority;
• They are children of current service personnel or ex-service personnel who have served within the last four years (also known as Service Premium).

As a school we are held to account for the provision and progress of Pupil Premium students. We try to understand the needs of each individual student who is named as Pupil Premium so that we can put specific support (if needed) in place for them. The support will vary from each student and can range from specific academic and pastoral support to financial support which will allow each student to excel during their time at The Crypt. A full breakdown of our Pupil Premium provision is outlined within our Pupil Premium Strategy below:

If you have any further queries concerning the Pupil Premium please contact Mrs Sandra Stonyte via the school office.

If you believe you may have become eligible, please click the link below for more details as to how to access support.

Gloucestershire Healthy Living & Learning Pupil Premium Information



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