

Sociology A Level challenges students to become ardent inquirers venturing beyond news headlines and political gambits to ask deeper questions of society with a view to understanding this rapidly globalising world and increasing their social awareness. Via theoretical exploration and deliberation of contemporary research, students develop analytical, assimilation and communication skills, actively participating in debates discussing the merits and inclusivity of various theories from functionalism to Marxism to feminism and postmodernism. As prospective sociologists, students learn to master their sociological imaginations, flourishing as they develop cultural competence and construct and apply reasoned arguments and substantiated judgements to important social issues.

Sociology is the study of how social structures influence our lives. Students are encouraged to look beyond the obvious and to examine the patterns and relationships that shape our society, leading to an increased awareness of current political, social and cultural issues in the UK. Together we develop an appreciation for the diversity of human society and examine the complex motives behind the social policies that affect our communities.

Sociology Programme of Study

Exam Boards

A Level - AQA

Extra Curricular

Trips for exam success, understanding the wider implications of sociological research and / or appreciating social diversity may be offered during the year.

Teaching Staff

K Plummer
A Leask

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